Iteke and Tjitske Hemkes
The sisters Iteke (1984) and Tjitske Hemkes (1980) were born into an artistic family. Iteke got her bachelor degree in Fashion & Textiles and Graphic Design at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague. Currently she works in the areas of illustration, film and performance. Tjitske graduated at the Design Academy in Eindhoven and now works as a freelance designer in Amsterdam. Her work can be described as falling in between art and design, ranging from video, fashion, performance and product design.
A message by Iteke and Tjitske Hemkes about her ambitions when participating in the Kyoto Machiya AIR Project.
We have developed our artistic careers independently from each other, but lately there has been a growing desire to collaborate again, just like when we where kids. We used to create fantasy worlds with all kinds of materials and our parents would let us play until very late at night because they didn’t want to stop our creative process. During our childhood we developed a similar poetic worldview and where both very intrigued by surrealism. We knew for a long time we wanted to explore Japan together, because we share the same fascinations. Japan is quite similar and at the same time completely different from western society, so we expect to get surprised, confused and inspired, which will lead to a boost in our artistic development.
When we found out about the Kyoto Machiya Air we where shocked to hear that so many Machiyas are being demolished. We felt we wanted to help raise awareness for the preservation of these amazing buildings by putting an artistic focus on it with our project. We want to get inspired by the cultural differences and human similarities that we come across during our stay and we want to translate that to a new interpretation of the Machiya. How we will do that is a surprise for us as well.
We want to investigate living in one first and reflect on its surroundings and on its social context. Then we will have many ways of expressing ourselves artistically because of our multidisciplinary way of working. We are looking forward to experiment with local materials that we will find in Kyoto, analyse our impressions and turn all our findings into a new world inside our Machiya. Our intention is to establish valuable interactions with Japanese people so that we can both be enriched by each others views.
Iteke and Tjitske Hemkes
「Mikkusu」(2015) Iteke Hemkes
撮影:Lauren Hillebrandt
‘Mikkusu’ is a set of fabric dessins that I designed inspired by the views from a long train-journey that covered seven countries.
Photography: Lauren Hillebrandt, Art direction: Iteke Hemkes, 2015
「Leaf army」Tjitske Hemkes
‘Leaf Army’. For an art festival on an old army base Tjitske was commissioned to design the outfits of the art guards. Army blouses where covered with a transparant layer of fabric with real leaves underneath. This way a 3-dimensional camouflage pattern was created.
レジデンス:ANEWAL Gallery、米田邸共催:
日本カルチャーセンター・アムステルダム(‘t Japan Cultureel Centrum)
特定非営利活動法人ANEWAL Gallery
NPO法人 ANEWAL Gallery
〒602-0059 京都市上京区実相院町156
Machiya Residences:
ANEWAL Gallery,Yoneda House
Sponsored by:
’t Japans Cultureel Centrum (JCC)
Kyoto Center for Community Collaboration (KCCC)
Specified Nonprofit Corporation ANEWAL Gallery
Supported by:
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands & Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Osaka/Kobe
Specified Nonpr ofit Corporation ANEWAL Gallery
156 Jissoin-cho , Kamigyo-ku , Kyoto City